1) El sonido del cosmos humano
Helena Bricio
1) El sonido del cosmos humano
Helena Bricio
Procurar enriquecer la oferta interactiva tradicional de la clase de música ha sido un ejercicio pedagógico que ha permitido a los estudiantes empoderarse de su propio proceso de aprendizaje acercándolos a situaciones reales de creación, colaboración e interacmbio en el que se hace necesario reconocer que como perSonar se habita un ecosistema con posibilidades sonoras infinitas esperando a ser activadas por medio de creación en red.
15) Algunos pensamientos en torno a la escucha y el sonido, fragmentos de escritura
Johann Sebastián Romero Riveros
Emma Margetson
Programme Note: This work is primarily derived from close microphone recordings of a suspended cymbal. The resonating qualities of the work build and fade taking the listener on a journey to explore different spaces, pitches and timbres of the cymbal, whilst contrasts in motion and gestural activity – strikes, swooshes, gongs – explore the physicality of the instrument.
Emma Margetson is an award-winning acousmatic composer and sound artist based in the Midlands, UK. Her works have been performed nationally and internationally, and in 2019 was featured on the British Music Collection’s #AComposerADay series, which showcased the profiles of 31 female composers and their unique contributions to composition in the UK. Emma has collaborated with a variety of organisations including the Ikon, Research & Cultural Collections at the University of Birmingham, The Barber Institute of Fine Arts and Sampad. Emma is currently in the final phase of studies for a PhD in Musical Composition from the University of Birmingham funded by the AHRC Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership under the supervision of Annie Mahtani and Scott Wilson. She is currently a member of BEER (Birmingham Electroacoustic Ensemble for Research) and her work has been published with Urban Arts Berlin, Sonos Localia and obs акусма AUDIOR 068. In December 2019 Emma was awarded first prize in the L’Espace du Son international spatialisation competition.